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Pennington Wellness Chiropractic & Massage
is conveniently located in Downtown Corbin, Ky. 40701 From I-75 exit 25: Drive East on US 25W for 2.4 miles, turn left continuing on US 25W for 0.7miles. Turn Right at 7th Street & Main St. Parking lot is on the left with entrances in both front and back. Handicap Parking located in parking lot. Pennington Wellness Chiropractic & Massage is located in Suite A. From I-75 exit 29: Drive East on US 25E S/Cumberland Gap Pkwy for 1.5 miles, turn right onto US 25W south for 1.3 miles. Turn right on US 312 and continue for 0.7 miles. Turn left at 7th Street and continue through Main St. Parking lot is on the left with entrances in both front and back. Handicap Parking located in parking lot. Pennington Wellness Chiropractic & Massage is located in Suite A. |